My Dear Friends and Fellow Cleaning Enthusiasts,
Are you a baseball fan? I have memories of going to see baseball games with my dad. He would buy the program, listening intently to the transistor radio in one hand, and keep track of every play in the other. We would indulge in roasted chestnuts, and the occasional foot long. These are memories that I will cherish forever.
Heading to a baseball game with my offspring isn't so simple. The nearest Major league ballpark is about a two-hour drive, so when we go, it's a full day event. Our car is packed to the brim with gear to keep everyone happy on the drive there (by the time we head back, they're usually conked out in the backseat).
Last week, we went to our first game of the season. It was a blast. It's possible that the ballpark food was even more exciting than the game itself! We thought that once we transitioned to a plant-based diet, food would be a challenge. We were so pleasantly surprised that we didn't have to stick to the traditional peanuts and popcorn. The vegan nachos were outstanding, and they also offered veggie dogs, and non-dairy ice cream options.
Who was the MVP? Castile Soap, of course!
Just like we packed our lucky hats, our team jerseys and our sunscreen, Castile Soap goes with us to! Let's face it, ballpark bathrooms are…an experience. On day trips, we pack portable bottles with our mix of Castile soap as a DIY hand sanitizer. Mix a few drops of Castile soap with water and add a few drops of essential oil, such as lavender or tea tree oil, for their natural antibacterial properties. Squeeze on your hands and rub together. Works great in a pinch! No need for water!
When Will Castile Soap be Back on the Shelves?
Ready for some news? We wanted to give you a heads up that our Castile Soap is currently out of stock. Because we only use the freshest and superior oils to create our soap, we had to be patient before creating our newest batches! We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause!
But here's the good news: We're working hard to get it back on our shelves and expect it to be available again in about two weeks, and to sweeten the pot, we're offering a coupon code for when it's back at our site!! Use the coupon code SpringSale12 for 12% off your next purchase. (We'll update you here as soon as it's back in stock)
Thanks for your understanding,