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Why is Soap Slippery?

Updated: Apr 19, 2023

And the answers to other important questions

Why is Soap Slippery Whole Naturals Castile Soap

My Dear Readers,

I LOVE it when our community reaches out with questions, and this week I've received some great ones! So, let's dive in!

Why is Castile Soap Slippery?

Have you ever wondered why soap is slippery when wet? Soap is an essential part of our daily hygiene routine, but many of us do not understand why it has a slippery feel when in contact with water. Ready to jump into your time machine and head back to high school? The reason why soap is slippery when wet is due to its molecular structure. Soap molecules are made up of two parts: a hydrophilic (water-loving) head and a hydrophobic (water-repelling) tail. When soap comes into contact with water, the hydrophilic head is attracted to the water molecules, while the hydrophobic tail tries to avoid contact with water. This results in the formation of a layer of soap molecules on the surface of the water, which makes it easier for objects to glide across the surface. Different oils are more slippery than others, and the perfect combination of organic carrier oils in Whole Naturals Castile Soap will leave your skin feeling moisturized and and smooth - without a greasy residue.

How Can the OILS in Whole Naturals Castile Soap Clean Grease and other OILS?

By definition, all SOAP is actually made from OIL (or fats). If every kind of soap is made from fats, and oils then how does it lather and become something that has cleaning power? Here's the secret: SAPONIFICATION. Soaps are typically made with lye (Potassium Hydroxide) as part of the the saponification process. Potassium Hydroxide helps the saponification of oils to create soaps and detergents. But here's the best part: None of the Potassium Hydroxide is left in the product after it is saponified. Whole Naturals Castile Soap is made of high-fat carrier oils - and is detergent free.

How Does Soap Work?

I hope you're staying in the high mindset, because we're going to talk about soap molecules. When soap is combined with water, free-floating charged atoms attract dirt, and do their job as a cleaning agent. Once the oily dirt and germs are off your hands, the soap molecules thoroughly surround them and form tiny clusters, that keep them from attaching to anything else while they wash down the drain.

While it is true that you can get some dirt and germs off with just water and the friction of your hands, soap really does do a better job.

What's the difference between liquid castile soap and castile soap that comes in a bar?

If anything was learned during the pandemic, it was the importance of hand washing. As a result, we have also experienced how drying frequent hand washing can be. Liquid soaps tend to be less drying than bar soaps, and Castile Soap has the added benefit of being created with moisturizing organic carrier oils.

Liquid Castile soaps win hands down when it comes to ease of use. It's easy to imagine diluting, then squeezing a bit of soap as a hand wash, shampoo, or body wash. Plus - you can experiment with scents, and it has a variety of DIY applications around the house.

Advantages of liquid soap:

  • Easy to use, especially for hand washing

  • Can be more hygienic since there is less contact with the soap itself

  • Usually comes in a pump bottle, making it convenient and mess-free

  • Can be customized with essential oils

I love when you ask me thought provoking questions - and I truly love interacting with our entire community.

I read each and every email you send, so please continue to feel free to send me an email if you have any more questions!

Be blessed (and Happy Spring!)

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